Easy ways to save for the next trip!

In 2016 we started the Dave Ramsey program. Life saver. To those who have not yet heard of it yet, check out and to those who are doing it/done it can I get an AMEN?!

So with that being said. We are budgeting for the future all while still being able to live a little and take adventures together. Seeing beautiful scenery and going to new places is important to us.

There are a few minor adjustments we make that really start to add up to make those priorities happen!

    Paint my own nails – $40 saved
    Dining out allowance a month – don’t go over!!
    Added on 4 hours of work a week.
    Clothing/beauty/accessories allowance. {Read: the envelope system} I have a certain number I can spend a month. If I don’t spend it that month, it can roll over.
    Changed satellite to smaller package. (This is more of a life change, but it helps to have that extra cash. Even if one time the extra funds are for a trip)
    Make our own coffee each morning. {Coffee shops can add up if you keep track}
    We do use our credit cards to build points to use, but you MUST BE ABLE to pay it off each month! No balances.
    Save all change. At vacation time we cash it in.
    Coupons, price compare, etc.
    Track everything! It’s easy to think you’ve only spent X amount on “food/dining out” that month. But if you are able to see each transaction and add it up, it can be astonishing.
    Round up all old clothes, etc and sell them online or had a garage sale. There are tons of apps now for selling clothes and etc.

I’d love to hear if you do some of these also!!

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