We’ve seen dried oranges all over Pinterest for the past couple of years, and they are coming back this year! There are so many ways to use this very affordable decor that is quickly becoming a new family tradition worldwide!
There are also some not-so-affordable items you can purchase that incorporate this trend. I loved this wreath from Anthropologie, although it was out of my price range. I took to the isles of Hobby Lobby and grabbed a bag of oranges at the store to create this look for less!
Designer wreath $150
DYI dupe wreath $60
You can view this video for a detailed how-to!

I used a dehydrator to dry my fruit. It took —12 hours for the slices and over 24 for the whole fruit. This seems to be the worst way to do things LOL leave it to me to find how NOT to do something.
You can easily use the oven. Here are what I have found to work for the oven: 175 degrees for 3-4 hours. Flipping them multiple times. You will want to slice the fruit and then pat them dry with a paper towel to remove what moisture you can. I’m definitely not knowledgeable on this part. If you follow me on Instagram, you saw this was a fail LOL there has to be an easier way.
To make the whole fruit ornaments, you will want to make slices all around the fruit from tip to tip, leaving a little space for the hanging thread. Make sure you cut all the way through the skin so it can dry properly.

All of my supplies to make this wreath was bought at hobby lobby for 50% off. The eucalyptus sprigs were found in the wedding department. The rest was found in the Christmas department.
Supplies needed:
Dried orange & lime slices
Whole dried limes/oranges
3 frosted red berry spikes
2 frosted cream berry spikes
5 Eucalyptus spikes
Fishing line or string
Adhesive of choice – I used all-purpose craft glue
Command hook or ribbon – I used a clear command hook
Any wreath of choice

First, I cut the eucalyptus spikes in half, applied the craft glue to the stem’s bottom, and stuck them into the wood base. I did this evenly throughout the wreath. Next was the frosted berry stems. I cut them to a length that would fit well in the wreath and still stick out.
View this video a detailed HOW TO!

To attach the dried fruit slices, I ran a fishing line through them and then tied it to a branch on the wreath. Here you can see I added two at a time for extra layers and texture.

That’s it! So easy to make, you can do this! You can even add things like twinkle lights, cinnamon sticks, or mini ornaments. What else would you add?!